Being a Fabulous Fashionista Fits You Fine
We discovered the need that we now meet during the Polar Vortex of 2014. We were struck when we realized that many people of limited means could sure use the comfort and satisfaction of having some new clothes. Living in a land of abundance as we do, we set to work to find and recruit companies that have excess inventory of unsold new clothing. We successfully convinced them to donate their clothes to needy folks using us as the conduit.
Five years later, the merits of what we are doing and the success of our program has resulted in our having more clothes available to us than we have the capacity to process. We need your help to ramp up our capacity so that we can help even more people.
Our work depends heavily on the individual contributions of volunteer workers working together as a team. In fact, our entire management group is comprised entirely of unpaid volunteers. This allows us to keep our overhead low and direct the lion’s share of the financial contributions we receive toward meeting the needs of unfortunate people.
You can give back to your local community in a meaningful way by volunteering to help us prepare and distribute gifts of new clothes to people in need. Apply today to team up with other likeminded people and enjoy the satisfaction of giving back, all in a fun environment. Take this opportunity to do well by doing good.
For most of our opportunities, the time commitment is minimal—just a few hours one to four times a year.